Belgium – Jordan Trade interests
EU Exports to Jordan in 2021
The total export of goods from the European Union (EU-27) to Jordan was 3.3 billion EUR in 2021. Belgium occupied the 5th place among the main EU exporters to Jordan with a share of 8.8%. Germany was the main exporter of goods of all EU countries to Jordan with a share of 18.8% and an amount of EUR 623.1 million, while Italy and Romania occupied the second and third place with a share of 15.0% and 12.1% respectively.
The European exports (EU27) to Jordan in 2021 were 10.4% (+312.1 million EUR) higher than a year earlier.
Interest Jordan – Belgium (2021)
In 2021, Jordan was ranked 78th on the list of the Belgium’s main customers, after Lebanon and before Peru. Belgium’s exports to Jordan amounted to EUR 290.5 million in 2021 compared to EUR 219.3 million EUR a year earlier, i.e., an increase of 32.4% (+71.2 million EUR).
Also in 2021, Jordan ranked as the 99th most important supplier of Belgium. The country placed after Georgia, but ahead of Guatemala. Belgian imports from Jordan amounted to EUR 64.9 million in 2021, an increase of 30.1% (+ EUR 15.0 million) compared to a year earlier.
The Exporters File of the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency counts 836 Belgian companies exporting to Jordan. There are also 1,222 companies that are showing interest for this market.
Bilateral trade relations – Trade in goods
Belgium traditionally has a surplus on its trade balance for goods with Jordan. In 2021, exports growth was significantly more than those of the imports, resulting in the highest reached surplus on the Belgian trade balance for goods with Jordan with EUR 225.6 million.
Belgian Exports of goods to Jordan
In 2021, the chemical products section occupied the leading position in Belgian exports of goods to Jordan. With an amount of EUR 129.3 million, this group of products represented a share of 44.5% in total exports. This section was mainly composed of “vaccines for human medicine” and “medicines”.
Exports of food products (mainly potatoes and tobacco wholly or partially stripped) amounted to EUR 51.7 million, which corresponds to a share of 17.8%.
Transport equipment, mainly tractors (road tractors for trailers and cars for goods transport with a maximum permitted weight of no more than 5 tons) completed the top three in Belgian exports of goods to Jordan with a share of 10 .7% and an export value of EUR 31.1 million.
Machines and Apparatus (mainly parts of machines and apparatus for the control of air conditioning in confined spaces) was the only remaining section with a share of more than 5.0% in Belgian exports of goods to Jordan. This heading was worth EUR 17.6 million, representing a share of 6.1%.
Belgian imports of goods from Jordan
Traditionally, Belgian imports of goods from Jordan primarily consist of chemical products and more specifically ‘potassium nitrate’ and ‘bromine’. The import of this amounted to EUR 29.1 million in 2021, with this group of products representing a share of 44.9%.
Textiles (main sub-sections: ‘sweaters, jumpers and pullovers of man-made fibres’, ‘cotton overcoats, jackets and capes’ and ‘long and short trousers of synthetic fibres’) amounted to EUR 21.3 million with a share of 32.9% in total imports.
Base metals completed the top three main sections in Belgian imports of goods from Jordan. This section, which mainly consisted of ‘plates, sheets and strip of aluminum alloys’, ‘waste and scrap of aluminum’ and ‘Waste and scrap of copper’, accounted for a share of 10.0% and an amount of EUR 6.5 million.
Other product groups with a share of more than 1.0% in total Belgian imports of goods from Jordan were:
• food products: EUR 3.2 million, corresponding to a share of 5.0%;
• plastics: EUR 1.2 million, which corresponds to a share of 1.9%.
Bilateral trade relations – Trade in services
As exports of services to Jordan exceeded imports in 2020 and 2021, the services balance with this country has shown a surplus in Belgium’s favor over the past two years.
Belgian Exports of services to Jordan
In 2021, the value of Belgian exports of services to Jordan increased by 10.1% (+EUR 2.1 million), from EUR 20.8 million to EUR 22.9 million. Belgium was placed 102nd most important customer in total service exports, after North Macedonia, but ahead of Tunisia.
The communication sector led the Belgian export of services to Jordan with a value of EUR 4.8 million and a share of 20.8%. Other commercial services, which include transit trade, operational leasing services, legal accountancy and management consultancy and public relations, audit, accounting and tax consultancy services, advertising and market research, occupied second place with 19.4% and construction took third place with a share of 18.6%.
Belgian Imports of services from Jordan
Belgian imports of services from Jordan represented a value of EUR 20.3 million in 2021, an increase of 0.7% (+ EUR 145,000) compared to the previous year. In 2021, Jordan was the 85th most important supplier of services to our country, after Gibraltar, but ahead of Lebanon.
The first place in the Belgian import of services from Jordan in 2021 was taken by the transport sector with an amount of EUR 8.5 million and a share of 41.9%. This group of services consists of maritime transport, air transport, rail transport, road transport and inland waterway transport. Other commercial services took second place with a share of 14.8%, while the travel sector completed the top three with a share of 12.3%.